The Ship Data Exchange (Shipdex) is a standard and a collection of business rules for the shipping and maritime industries which currently is based on of the ASD S1000D issue 2.3 specification.
Shipdex aims to improve the creation and the exchange of technical data between equipment makers, shipyards and ship-owners. It enables equipment manufacturers and shipyards to structure, write and deliver technical contents and manuals in IETM/IETP of PDF format.
The maintenance of this Protocol is given to the Shipdex Protocol Maintenance Group (SPMG). The SPMG is currently composed of Founder Members' representatives, Mastermind Ship management and two "Joint Members".
In order to assure consistency and to avoid duplications SPMG is also in charge to maintain the following Shipdex standard tables:
More details are available at Shipdex website.